Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


It is essential that all users of HealthEmploy understand how our services work. Together, our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use agreement do just that. Whether you are one of our Candidates or our Employers seeking new recruits, these are important documents because they affect your rights and responsibilities. Our Privacy Policy explains what information we collect on our Website, how we use that information, and how we protect it.

This Privacy Policy applies to both Candidates and Employers. Where a portion of the privacy policy applies only to one or the other, but not both, we have clearly noted the difference.
As with our Terms of Use, which directly incorporates this Privacy Policy, you must agree to our entire Privacy Policy in order to use the HealthEmploy Website and Services. If you do not agree to any portion of this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Use, please stop using our Website and Services immediately. By registering with HealthEmploy or using our Services, you are consenting to our practices, as described in this Privacy Policy, regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Information. You are also agreeing to comply with the requirements contained herein.
In this Privacy Policy, we tell you about:

Important Definitions
What Information We Collect on the HealthEmploy Website and What We Do with It
Your Rights
Your Responsibilities
Children’s Privacy
Security, Technology, and Amendments to Policies
How to Contact Us

Important Definitions

You or your refer to you, as in the person who is being presented these policies for your consent.

We, us, our, and HealthEmploy refer to HealthEmploy, Ltd., the owner and operator of the Website, and the Job Board provided by HealthEmploy.

Agency or Agencies refers to third-party companies or entities that recruit physicians and other healthcare providers on behalf of another healthcare facility, but that do not directly employ physicians. Agencies that register and create an Employer Profile with HealthEmploy can post opportunities to the Job Board and can view and reply to Candidates who respond to their job postings. Agencies cannot access the Candidate Database unless specifically authorized by HealthEmploy in their Employer Contract.

Candidate(s) refer to job-seeking healthcare professionals and providers, including residents and fellows.

Candidate Database refers to the online collection of Candidate Profiles that is maintained on the HealthEmploy Website and is searchable by authorized Employers.

Candidate Profile(s) refers to the Personal Information that a Candidate provides to HealthEmploy the optional registration process to maximize your job search.

Cookies refer to small files, containing text or a string of characters, which identify the user of a website and are sent by the website to the user’s device for recordkeeping purposes.

Employer(s) refers to companies or other entities, including hospitals, practice groups, and Agencies, that post opportunities to the Job Board and may be authorized to access the Candidate Database.

Employer Contract(s) refers to the signed contract that governs the terms of the relationship between an Employer and HealthEmploy Employer’s use of our Website and Services.

Employer Profile(s) refers to the Personal Information Employers provide to HealthEmploy when registering to post openings in the Job Board and/or access the Candidate Database.

The Job Board refers to the online collection of job opportunities curated and maintained by HealthEmploy on its Website.

Non-Registered User(s) refers to anyone who browses the HealthEmploy Website without registering a Candidate Profile or Employer Profile.

Organization Information refers to the type of Employer/recruiter you represent, your company website, and number of openings.

Personal Information refers to the information collected from Candidates and Employers via the HealthEmploy Website to create HealthEmploy Accounts. This information may include: your name, title, address, phone number, degree, Professional Information, Organization Information, citizenship, and email address. This information does not include: your Social Security number; Individual Taxpayer Identification Number; driver’s license number or state-issued identification card number; or financial or credit account numbers, including credit card or debit card numbers.

HealthEmploy Account or Account(s) refers to both Candidate Profiles and Employer Profiles.

The HealthEmploy Services refers to the Website, Job Bank, and related job search services.

Professional Information refers to your area of professional practice and specialty.

Registered User(s) refers to someone who browses the HealthEmploy Website after having registered a Candidate Profile or Employer Profile.

What Information We Collect on the HealthEmploy Website and What We Do with It

Information Collected From Non-Registered Users

When you simply browse the HealthEmploy website as a Non-Registered User without registering a Candidate Profile, Employer Profile, or otherwise interacting with the site for any job search services, you browse anonymously. HealthEmploy does not collect Personal Information while you are browsing anonymously. However HealthEmploy may automatically record certain information sent from a Non-Registered User’s browser, including the IP address from which you access our Website. For more information about our collection of Website access information, please see the section below titled “Log Information.”

In addition, online advertising and marketing networks with whom we partner may place anonymous Cookies (or similar technology) on a Non-Registered User’s device to deliver advertising and marketing materials tailored to your preferences or interests based on your online activities. For more information on Cookies, please see the section below titled Online Tracking, Cookies, and Ad Choices.

Candidates: Creation of a Candidate Profile and Submitting Personal Information

To register and create a Candidate Profile via our HealthEmploy Website in order to boost your job search within our Job Bank, you must provide us with certain Personal Information. The Personal Information we collect from Candidates may include: your name, address, phone number, degree, Professional Information, citizenship, email address, and a password.

Unlike other websites, HealthEmploy only adds a Candidate to our Candidate Database when he or she has elected to be included. This may occur in a variety of ways, including when:

You self-register on the HealthEmploy Website;
Our candidate relations team contacts you and confirms you wish to register; or
In order to provide you with a better experience and to improve the quality of our services, we may combine the information provided to set up your account with other information you have provided to us when you utilize the various Services offered through our Website and the Job Board.

By agreeing to our Terms of Use and creating a Candidate Profile, you authorize us to access your profile, store your information, and share your information in accordance with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. While you always retain the ability to revoke this authorization and our access to your information by amending your HealthEmploy account settings, data we have collected may be retained by HealthEmploy. For information about closing your Candidate Profile, please see the Your Rights section below.

Employers: Creation of an Employer Profile and Submitting Personal Information

To post an opening in the Job Board and gain access to the Candidate Database on HealthEmploy, you must represent a healthcare organization and abide by a signed contract that governs the terms of our relationship and your use of the Website (the “Employer Contract.”). Third-party recruiting Agencies can post openings to the Job Board, but cannot access the Candidate Database unless specifically authorized by HealthEmploy in their Employer Contract. All Employers seeking to post opportunities to the Job Bank and/or access the Candidate Database must register and create an Employer Profile via our HealthEmploy Website.

To register and create an Employer Profile, you must provide us with certain Personal Information. The Personal Information we collect from Employers may include: your name, title, organization, address, phone number, Organization Information, and an email address. We will email you a password after your Employer Profile is approved, at which time you may gain access to the Candidate Database.

By agreeing to our Terms of Use and creating an Employer Profile, you authorize us to access your profile, store your information, and share your information in accordance with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. While you always retain the ability to revoke this authorization by amending your HealthEmploy account settings, data we have collected may be retained by HealthEmploy. For information about closing Job Opportunities and Employer Profiles, please see the section on Your Rights below.

Information Not Collected on the HealthEmploy Website

HealthEmploy does not collect the following information from Candidates or Employers via the HealthEmploy Website: your Social Security number; Individual Taxpayer Identification Number; driver’s license number; state-issued identification card number; or financial or credit account numbers, including credit card or debit card numbers.

Online Tracking, Cookies, and Ad Choices

We use Cookies, which are small text files stored on Employers, Candidates, and Non-Registered Users’ electronic devices to help us recognize you on the HealthEmploy Website, enhance your user experience, understand your usage of our services, and ultimately show you advertising and marketing content that is relevant based on your browsing choices. Thus, while browsing the HealthEmploy Website – whether or not you create a Candidate or Employer Profile and register with HealthEmploy – we and online advertising and marketing networks with whom we partner may place Cookies (or similar technology) on your device to deliver ads and marketing material tailored to your preferences or interests based on your online activities. By visiting the HealthEmploy Website, you consent to the placement of Cookies or similar identifiers on your web browser. In other words, both Registered User and Non-Registered Users may be subject to targeted advertising and marketing via Cookies.

We currently use the following cookies:

AdRoll: The HealthEmploy Website uses AdRoll cookies to provide targeting advertising content based on your browsing choices. If you do not wish to receive this type of tailored advertising, you can visit this page ( to opt out of most online ad networks that use such advertising, including AdRoll.

HubSpot: The HealthEmploy Website uses HubSpot cookies to manage, provide, and enhance our job search related services. To opt out of this type of tracking, you can use a private browser like Chrome’s Incognito Mode or Firefox’s Private Browsing feature. You can also utilize a browser add-on like Ghostery or BetterPrivacy.

Opting out of targeted advertising and marketing will not prevent you from seeing ads entirely, but the ads will no longer be delivered to you via targeting methods. You can also control the receipt of Cookies through your browser’s settings. Please note that some of our services may not function properly if Cookies are disabled.

Log Information

When you access our Website and/or your HealthEmploy Account, our servers automatically record information sent from your browser, which may include your web request, Internet Protocol address, domain names, referring Uniform Resource Locator, browser type, browser language, and operating system; the date and time of your request and access; and Cookies that may uniquely identify your browser. This information is neither used nor intended to be used to personally identify you. This applies to both Registered Users and Non-Registered Users of the HealthEmploy Website.

Use, Disclosure, and Sharing of Personal Information

Once you have registered for HealthEmploy, we may use your Personal Information to perform job search services and for other purposes, including the following:

Provide you with access to HealthEmploy Services;
Send you job search-related information via email and direct mail;
Contact you to gather more information related to our Services;
Invite you to HealthEmploy events;
Comply with legal and regulatory requirements; and
Provide updates regarding your Account and Services provided by HealthEmploy.
HealthEmploy will not distribute, sell, rent, transfer, or otherwise disclose your Personal Information to any third party, except as follows:

To Employers or Candidates, as relevant, for potential job opportunities;
To business partners and suppliers as necessary to perform services on behalf of HealthEmploy;
To third-party business partners providing special offers related to your healthcare practice or job search;
When necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be injuring or interfering with HealthEmploy’s rights or property, or otherwise harming any other individual by utilizing HealthEmploy’s website or services;
For tax purposes;
When you have consented to such disclosure; and
When we have a good-faith belief that disclosure is required or permitted by law.
Any disclosures made by you to a third party, including Employers and Candidates, are not covered by this Privacy Policy, though they may be governed by privacy policies of those third parties.

Other Websites

Our Services enable you to link directly to other websites, including Employer websites. Personal Information you provide to HealthEmploy to enable creation of your Account and to facilitate the use of our Services is handled pursuant to terms of this Privacy Policy and our Website’s Terms of Use; other websites, however, may have different privacy policies, and we encourage you to read them. Further, for your convenience, you may be directed by HealthEmploy (through posted links or otherwise) to websites that are not owned or controlled by HealthEmploy and that may collect personal information from you. You access those sites at your own risk.

We also do not exercise control of other websites that may display information about HealthEmploy and our Services, or direct how those other websites may collect, distribute, or otherwise use your personal information. Such websites may place their own Cookies or similar files on your computer, collect data, or solicit personal information from you. We do not guarantee the security of any information that you may disclose on other websites, and HealthEmploy is not responsible or liable for those websites’ policies, actions, or content.

User Communications

In order to process your inquiries, respond to your requests, and improve our services, we may collect and retain electronic messages, mail, and other communications that you send to HealthEmploy as well as the information contained therein.

Retention of Data

We may retain residual information about you, including in our backup files or database, particularly when such retention is required by law or is pursuant to legitimate business purposes. You agree that we are under no obligation to delete or modify information that you have previously chosen to provide us. Please remember that if we have already disclosed some of your Personal Information to third parties, we cannot access that Personal Information any longer and cannot force the deletion or modification of that information by the parties to whom we have made those disclosures.

Your Rights

Accessing, Controlling, Updating, and Deleting Data

When you use HealthEmploy, we work to provide you the ability to access, review, correct, edit, or remove the Personal Information and related content that you have provided to us. You can do this by logging into HealthEmploy and accessing your Account. You must identify yourself before we can process any request to access, review, correct, edit, or remove such information. Although most changes will occur immediately, some information may stay stored on your browser’s web cache. We take no responsibility and are not liable for information stored in your cache or on any other electronic devices through which you may access HealthEmploy.

We may decline to process requests that are unreasonably repetitive or systematic, require disproportionate technical effort, jeopardize the privacy of others, or would be extremely impractical. (In some instances, a request that requires disproportionate technical effort to accommodate may be processed for an additional fee.) You authorize us to use and disclose, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, any new or modified information that you provide. Please note our data retention practices identified above.

Choices for Personal Information

We will ask for your consent prior to collecting or using Personal Information for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy or other supplementary privacy notices. You may be given the option to opt out of some of our data-collection practices. If we propose to use Personal Information for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy or other supplementary privacy notices, we will provide you with an effective way to opt out of such use. Please note that declining to submit Personal Information for any HealthEmploy Service may prevent us from being able to provide that Service to you.

Closing Your Account

If you wish to close your Account, you may so do by emailing our team at Upon your request, we will, as soon as practicable and in accordance with all applicable laws, close your Account and delete your login information. After we have closed your Account, information about your Account may remain on the Website, and we may continue to use log information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may also retain your Candidate or Employer Profile information to comply with any applicable laws, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any lawful investigations, enforce our Terms of Use, for future marketing purposes, or to take any other actions permitted by law.

Your Responsibilities

As a user of our Website, you owe certain obligations to HealthEmploy and other users, including potential legal obligations. You are also expected to extend to all other users of HealthEmploy’s services various common courtesies broadly accepted by the professional community. You must:

Abide by the terms and conditions of the governing and most current Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and other applicable HealthEmploy policies;
NEVER provide false or fraudulent information when setting up an Employer or Candidate Profile or posting an opportunity to the Job Board;
NEVER set up an Employer or Candidate Profile or post an opportunity to the Job Board for illegal or nefarious purposes;
Respect all intellectual-property rights (e.g., trademarks or copyrights) that may belong to HealthEmploy, other users, or third parties;
Refrain from uploading, posting, or disseminating any personal information that may infringe on the rights of others or be deemed offensive, injurious, discriminatory, prejudiced, or bigoted; and
Safeguard your username and password by not sharing it with others.
HealthEmploy retains sole discretion to restrict, suspend, or terminate any user’s Account for any violation of the obligations or requirements set forth in our Terms of Use or other governing policies.


Please refer to the Terms of Use for the indemnification requirements.

Acceptance of These Terms

By using the HealthEmploy Website and agreeing to the Terms of Use and your Employer Contract, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you object to these terms, please immediately stop using this Website.

Children’s Privacy

HealthEmploy is committed to protecting the privacy of children and encourages parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities and interests. HealthEmploy is not directed to children or designed to attract them. You must be at least 18 years of age to use our Website and Services. HealthEmploy does not knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information about users that are under 18 years of age. If we later learn that a user is under 18 years of age, we will remove that user’s personal information from our databases and prevent the user from further using the HealthEmploy Website and its Services. If you become aware that a user is under 18 years of age, please notify us immediately at If you are a user who is identified in this manner, we may require you to submit suitable proof of age, such as a copy of government-issued identification, in order to continue using the HealthEmploy Website.

Security, Technology, and Amendments to Policies


In accordance with industry standards, we have implemented security safeguards to protect HealthEmploy and its users against unauthorized accessing, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of Personal Information. Some of the safeguards may include:

Requiring passwords in order to access sections of the Website or certain data;
Employing firewalls to prevent unauthorized Website and data access;
Encrypting communications between your browser and the HealthEmploy Website through HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure);
Restricting access to Personal Information to certain HealthEmploy employees, contactors, agents, and operators; and
Requiring HealthEmploy employees, contactors, agents, and operators to agree to and comply with strict confidentiality agreements, the violation of which include discipline, termination, and criminal prosecution.
While we are always looking to take reasonable steps to improve our security, the Internet can never be completely secure, and we cannot guarantee the security of the information transmitted to HealthEmploy. In particular, emails, messages, and other communications between HealthEmploy users are not encrypted, and you should never use these communication methods to convey personal information that you wish to keep private. Ultimately, you are responsible for protecting the security of your password and login information.

Data Breach

While HealthEmploy employs multiple security measures to maintain data security, data breaches can occasionally happen, even to the most secure of systems. In the event of such a situation, HealthEmploy will, in compliance with any applicable federal and state data breach laws, endeavor to timely notify all users whose Personal Information HealthEmploy knows or has clear reason to believe was accessed by an unauthorized person.


Your Personal Information will be processed in conformance with this Privacy Policy. However, that processing may occur in countries with different laws as regards to your privacy. By using HealthEmploy and providing any Personal Information, you consent to the transfer of data from your country to a country that may have different privacy laws. For citizens of the United States, your data may leave the territorial boundaries of the USA.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

HealthEmploy reserves the right, at any time, to change, modify, or revise this Privacy Policy and the privacy and security practices discussed herein. We will post any revised version of the Privacy Policy on our Website. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. If we make any significant, material changes to the Privacy Policy, we will prominently note such changes on the Site and may also send notification to the last email address you have provided to us. Continued use of the HealthEmploy Website and our Services following such notice of changes constitutes your acknowledgement of them and agreement to be bound by their terms and conditions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us by sending an email to

Effective April 4, 2018

Last updated April 4, 2018